
中国真菌学杂志,2016,11(04):232-234+239 【摘要】目的观察JUC长效抗菌材料治疗体股癣和手足癣的疗效。方法选取体股癣32例,足癣78例,手癣 34例,将JUC长效抗菌材料喷洒患处和周围所有皮肤.3次/d,疗程4周;同时喷洒患者的鞋.袜、毛巾,衣裤等,l次/d,3个月后进行复发评定。结果4周后,临床总有效率为95.83%,真菌学有效率为72.92%。体股癣、足癣和手癣的有效率分别为93.75%、96.15%和97.06%。对138例痊愈患者随访3个月,复发3例,复发率为3.13%。结论JUC长效抗菌材料治疗体股癣和手足癣疗效满意,不良反应少,复发率低。
  • 发布作者: 韦士才
  • 发布日期: 2016
  • 关键词: JUC长效抗菌材料;体癣;股癣;手癣﹔;足癣




【摘要】目的观察JUC长效抗菌材料治疗体股癣和手足癣的疗效。方法选取体股癣32,足癣78,手癣 34,JUC长效抗菌材料喷洒患处和周围所有皮肤.3/d,疗程4;同时喷洒患者的鞋.袜、毛巾,衣裤等,l/d,3个月后进行复发评定。结果4周后,临床总有效率为95.83%,真菌学有效率为72.92%。体股癣、足癣和手癣的有效率分别为93.75%96.15%97.06%。对138例痊愈患者随访3个月,复发3,复发率为3.13%。结论JUC长效抗菌材料治疗体股癣和手足癣疗效满意,不良反应少,复发率低。


【中图分类号】R 756.2 R 756.3【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1673-3827(2016)11-0232-03

A clinical study on JUC long-acting antimicrobial material for tinea corporis and cruris , manus and pedistreatment

wEI Shi-cai

( De partment of Dermatology,Nanjing Pukou Hosiptal ,Nanjing 210031)

AbstractObjective To observe the treatment effect of JUC long-acting antimicrobial material on tinea corporis , manusand pedis.MethodsThirty-two tinea corporis and cruris,78 tinea pedis and 34 tinea manus were enrolled in the study.Allparticipants were treated with JUC long-acting antimicrobial material spray,three times per day and the treatment lasted for4 weeks.Meanwhile ,all participants shoes , socks and towels and clothes were also sprayed with JUC long-acting antimicrobialmaterial,one time per day.Results At the end of treatment,the total clinical cure rate was 95.83%(138 of 144) and the my-cology clearance was 72.92% (105 0f 144).The cure rates of tinea corporis and cruris, tinea pedis and tinea manus were 93.75%,96.15% and 97.06% separately.After three months of treatment, recurrence rate was 3.13% (3 of 138).ConclusionsTreating tinea corporis and cruris, tinea pedis and tinea manus with JUC long-acting antimicrobial material is safe, effectiveand able to decrease the recurrence.

Key wordsJUC long-acting antimicrobial material; tinea corporis ; tinea cruris; tinea manus; tinea pedis

[Chin J Mycol,2016,11(4):232-234]

浅部真菌病是由皮肤癣菌感染引起的皮肤、毛发和甲的感染性疾病,其中皮肤科门诊最常见的是体股癣和手足癣。由于其发病率和复发率都比较高,对患者健康和生活质量产生非常严重的影响1。目前临床治疗以局部外用及口服抗真菌药为主,虽然具有肯定的疗效,但由于临床上抗真菌药物的大量使用,真菌的耐药性也迅速发展[2。因此,在浅部真菌病防治药物或措施的研发和评价过程中,充分考虑真菌耐药性问题显得尤为重要。为探寻新的有效的治疗浅部真菌病.减少复发的新方法,本研究通过在我院2014 112月间应用JUC长效抗菌材料治疗体股癣和手足癣,观察其临床疗效和治疗后复发率,本研究取得了较好疗效,现报告如下。




试验1选取体股癣患者35,其中男性19,女性16,年龄1845,病程1~15 a,其中脱落⒉例,32例体股癣患者完成研究并纳入分析。

试验2选取足癣患者80,其中男性58例,女性22,年龄18~55,病程1~20 a,其中脱落1,剔除1,78例足癣患者完成研究并纳入分析。

试验3选取手癣患者35,其中男性16,女性19,年龄1855,病程1~16 a,其中脱落1,34例足癣患者完成研究并纳入分析。三组患者真菌学检查均星阳性。



手癣或足癣的患者喷洒JUC长效抗菌材料前,用热水浸泡患处皮肤约10 min,体股癣患者用热毛巾湿敷10 min,待水疱等角质化皮肤松软以便JUC长效抗菌材料更充分地和患处接触,有水拖或脓疱者需用无菌镊子将疱皮挑破,有分泌物者,用水清洗。

清洁患处后,采用JUC长效抗菌材料(南京神奇科技开发有限公司)距离患处及周围皮肤15cm喷洒,均匀覆盖患处及周围皮肤,3/d,14 d,1/d;同时喷洒患者的鞋、袜、毛巾﹑衣裤等,1/d,疗程4周。








32例体股癣患者治疗7 d14 d28 d,有效率分别为68.75%87.50%93.75%;78例足癣患者治疗7 d14 d28 d,有效率分别为69.73%79.48%96.15%;34例手癣患者治疗7 d14 d28d,有效率分别为74.71%82.36%97.06%(见表l)

1 JUC长效抗菌材料治疗体股癣、足癣、手癣临床疗效

Tab.1 Clinical effect of JUC Long-acting Antimicrobial Material intreatment of tinea corporis & cruris, pedis and tinea manus




治疗前144例患者真菌学检查均为阳性,治疗28 d后有105例转阴,转阴率72.92%(见表2)2.3不良反应


2 JUC长效抗菌材料治疗体股癣和手足癣真菌学疗效

Tab.2 Mycological effect of JUC Long-acting Antimicrobial Mate-rial in treatment of tinea corporis & cruris, tinea manus and pedis










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